Celebrate your actual true love with these non-edible food purses

via offbeatbride.com

A couple of us around here are unabashed in our love of food. A couple of us even blog about it. And maybe we want to celebrate our love of adorable edible creations with equally adorable (and less edible) creations in the form of these food purses by Etsy seller Rommydebommy. Avo toast, cakes, macarons, pizza slices, even a full English breakfast - this chick knows how to craft up a super realistic homage to the noms.

Whether you need a colorful accent to stand out against a white dress or need a killer idea for a wedding party gift (oh man, my envy!), these food purses and clutches are EPIC. Let's see a few of my faves...

For when you can't have an actual rainbow cake!

Don't adjust your eyes, it's only a purse. A purse I want to EAT.

Okay, this is the ultimate in trendy food AND purses.

Random bonus purse!

Not food, but totally fun. Unless it's a real one. Then it's less fun.

Would you rock a foodie purse at your wedding? Bridesmaids with different macarons?!

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