Brooch Bouquet, Ivory, Dusty Blue, Gray, Silver, Elegant Wedding, Bridal, Jeweled, Lace, Crystals, Feather Bouquet, Pearls, Vintage Style

Brooch Bouquet, Ivory, Dusty Blue, Gray, Silver, Elegant Wedding, Bridal, Jeweled, Lace, Crystals, Feather Bouquet, Pearls, Vintage Style $ 375


***Made Upon Request- This piece can be made in ANY color scheme ***This listing is for a brooch bouquet as shown or in any color combination This brooch bouquet is unique and very chic. Crafted in shades of ivory, dusty blue and grey, this ever-lasting jeweled bouquet will be the talk of your wedding. Lace, chiffon, feathers, pearls, and sparkly pearl and crystal brooches were utilized to achieve this one-of-a-kind piece. The underside has been finished with chiffon and tulle in ivory. This...


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