Boho Bouquet, Woodland Bouquet, Rustic Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Green Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Natural Bouquet, Large Bouquet, Cottage Chic

Boho Bouquet, Woodland Bouquet, Rustic Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Green Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Natural Bouquet, Large Bouquet, Cottage Chic $ 150


This boho style wedding bouquet is filled with beautiful silk roses, garden roses, peonies and a ton of greenery and other silk blossoms! This unique, woodland, rustic, country chic, or boho bridal bouquet is filled with interesting and beautiful elements. Neutral tones and green mix together to create a subtle, yet colorful bouquet. Not getting married? You can easily pop this floral arrangement into a vase for home decor! Shown wrapped in burlap and twine, this silk wedding bouquet is about...


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