Boho Bouquet, Fall Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Silk Bouquet, Silk Flower, Burgundy, Orange, Wildflower, Bouquets, Custom Bouquet, Rustic

Boho Bouquet, Fall Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Silk Bouquet, Silk Flower, Burgundy, Orange, Wildflower, Bouquets, Custom Bouquet, Rustic $ 135


This silk flower, boho bouquet is perfect for a rustic wedding or fall wedding. It is filled with shades of pink, burgundy, orange, and green. Preserved eucalyptus in dark red branch out of the top of the bouquet while faux, green amaranth flow freely from the bottom of the bouquet. This asymmetrical, wedding bouquet is breathtaking and gorgeous! Absolutely perfect for a rustic or boho bridal bouquet. The bouquet in the pictures is the XL bridal bouquet. Shown wrapped in dark blue (navy) satin,...


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