Bridesmaids Bouquet,Purple, Charcoal Grey, Violet Sola Flower Bouquet, Handmade Bouquet, Keepsake Bouquet, Alternative Bouquet

Bridesmaids Bouquet,Purple, Charcoal Grey, Violet Sola Flower Bouquet, Handmade Bouquet, Keepsake Bouquet, Alternative Bouquet $ 39.5


This is a made to order bridesmaids bouquet measuring 18" around the flower ball. The bouquet features sola flowers in purple, violet, charcoal grey and ivory. The bouquet also has preserved ivory baby's breath, silver bruins, soft green caspia. The bouquet was wrapped in ivory lace and finished with a ivory lace bow with some touches of faux pearls. I can always custom make any detail to suit your taste and style send me a message and we can talk about it.

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