Corbin Gurkin

Corbin Gurkin

Loved this day - with just these two. @eastonevents Thinking of all of the special two person days that must be happening right now. I don’t think many of you guys know this, but Thatcher and I actually had a very small wedding in New Hampshire separate from our Ireland nuptials. Our next-door neighbor who was a minister married us at the church down the street. Thatcher sported a tweed suit and I in dress with red roses on it. We walked to the church and I picked some flowers along the way to put in his lapel. The minister’s wife took the photos. Just us. I know these are difficult times. But just know, that when we can, we’re all ready to celebrate you together and in the meantime we are cheering on your quiet nuptials, your words of commitment, whatever you choose to solidify your vows to the one you love and start your life together.

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