Autumn Wedding Bouquet Boho Wedding Country Wedding Bouquet Bridal Bouquet Vintage  Bouquets Fall  Wedding Bouquets Burgundy

Autumn Wedding Bouquet Boho Wedding Country Wedding Bouquet Bridal Bouquet Vintage Bouquets Fall Wedding Bouquets Burgundy $ 113


Made to order! 1 Rustic wedding bouquet made from silk burgundy roses, real touch calla lilies, ranunculus, white, red and blue berries, greenery and sword leaf bush. It's wrapped with a burlap. It is perfect for the bride who appreciates natural and rustic country style. One of a kind. The bouquet measures: 9 inches (23 cm) in diameter, the handle is 6 inches long (15 cm) With this bouquet you will receive the groom's boutonniere for absolutely free. Bridesmaids bouquets, an extra...

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