Succulent wedding bouquet, Keepsake bouquet, baby's breath Bridal bouquet, Blush Pink Peony bouquet, Dusty blue bouquet

Succulent wedding bouquet, Keepsake bouquet, baby's breath Bridal bouquet, Blush Pink Peony bouquet, Dusty blue bouquet $ 80


Succulent wedding bouquet, Keepsake bouquet, baby's breath Bridal bouquet, Blush Pink Peony bouquet, Dusty blue bouquet Gorgeous wedding bouquet for romantic wedding, with pink peonies , dusty blue freesias , succulents and baby's breath. Each flower is handmade by me from polymer clay Deco, flowers are lightweight , not fragile and beautiful. here are the sizes I offer for bridal bouquet: 16 cm (6 inches) - 100$ 18 cm (7 inches) - 160$ 21 cm (8 inches) - 200$ 23 cm (9 inches) - 260$ 25...

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